mercredi 30 septembre 2009

Vocabulary Terms Ranking

Natural Rights: rights, freedoms and privileges, which are such a basic part of human nature that they cannot be taken away.

Popular Sovereignty: a doctrine in political theory that government is created by and subject to the will of the people

Social Contract: an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, for example by sacrificing some individual freedom for state protection.

Right of Self Determination: the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government.

Right to Revolution: a right or duty, variously stated throughout history, possessed by subjects of a state that justifies their action to overthrow the government to whom the subjects otherwise would owe allegiance.

My Ranking: I ranked these Vocabulary terms from Natural Rights, Popular Sovereignty, Social Contract, Right of Self Determination, Right to Revolution. I chose this order because people should have the right to do all daily things, then they should be able to agree with the government decision to their will, then members of society should sacrifice some of their freedom for social benefits, then the country can form its own government without involving other societies, and finally if there is still disagreement there is the right of revolution.

mardi 22 septembre 2009

Migration from and to Morocco

Questions: What are different reasons why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco?

Using ESPRAT + G, what are possible different groups and what are their reasons?

Who is migrating to morocco and why?

There are various reasons why migration happens from and to Morocco. Some causes can be economical, social, political, religious, architectural, technological, or geographical. As education flourished, migration became more recent. This is because people have knowledge of what is happening around the world, and what will benefit them out there. Another factor that influenced migrations is technology. Technology is demonstrated by the mode of transportation. Long ago there were no airplanes, trains, or boats. This means that there was less migration. On the whole, nowadays people tend to migrate more for several causes.

Different reasons why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco is mostly because of social reasons. Some social reasons why they migrate is because of nationality, communication and education purposes. Nationality because in this situation when they obtain the canadian passport they have a visa facility. They can travel wherever they want without having to make a visa. Communication is another reason why because it helps learn new languages and it also helps with the interaction with other societies. When there is communication people can understand themselves. Therefore, when one will grow up it will be easy for him/her to do business with different societies, or have a job that includes various languages. Education is a part of communication because it includes the learning of languages. It also includes universities. When most of rich moroccans finish school they migrate from Morocco to college. 

Different reasons why foreigners migrate to Morocco is economic, religious, and social. Some americans migrate to Morocco because of the world's economic crisis. And considering the fact that Morocco's crisis is ten times lower than America's, Americans living in Morocco than in America during this time. However, Senegalese migrate to Morocco because they benefit from its economy. They are well payed in their jobs and have a better life. In Morocco they find jobs; however in Senegal there is a great number of unemployment. Some saudis migrate to Morocco because of religious reasons. In Saudi Arabia the muslim religion is too harsh. Therefore, some saudis cannot support it. This causes them to migrate to Morocco where the muslim religion is easier to follow. Old french people come to Morocco for social reasons which in this case is retirement. In Morocco they can live on their retirement money better than in France. This is because compared to France life in Morocco is cheap. And because they are retired it is easier for them to spend the rest of their life in Morocco.

Conclusively, using ESPRAT + G it was easier for me to distinguish the different reasons why people migrate away and from Morocco. It helped me think and analyze. I found out that Moroccans mostly migrate for social aspects, and that foreigners migrate to Morocco because of more diverse reasons. This made me curious to know why is this so. Therefore, I will try doing further investigation to discover more about this subject. To sum up, migration to and way of Morocco is very common nowadays because of numerous different aspects of life.   

mercredi 16 septembre 2009


My podcast is a comedy and it is mostly comedy singing. Some african americans are imitating other people and how they sing. They also imitate singers. They make jokes about the way they sing and they talk. My podcasts name is called Anthony Anderson's Mixtape Comedy Show.

lundi 14 septembre 2009

The Effects of Colonization in Morocco

The effects of colonization in Morocco is seen in practically in the all the cities in the north. We can see this because half of the people who live in the north speak spanish. They have spanish habitudes. Also, the way of eating is different. The Moroccans started to eat like European people. This is because a long time ago they used to eat with their hands, but now they became more civilized and started to follow European manners. Some still eat couscous with their hands but most of the Moroccan eat it with a spoon. We can also see that the building became more modern. People started using sophisticated ways of building. Even though some people still follow traditional architecture the buildings are solid. People in Morocco are not ignorant anymore, most of them can read and write. The spanish colonization affected Morocco positively.

vendredi 11 septembre 2009

Why study history?

We study history because it helps us anticipate the problems that we may have in the future according to the problems that happened in the pass. With this we can solve problems way easier than we would have solved them without the history behind us. 
We also study history because it helps us interact with people and society. Already knowing people's background and their past helps us communicate better with them. We know better what they appreciate and what they don't. Therefore, we can interact better with them and their society all thanks to history.
We know better how our society came to be and how it developed. We are no longer ignorant about our culture and development. This helps us pass down our background to our children when they ask us to and to outsiders. Without a background other societies wouldn't know who they are dealing with; therefore there wouldn't be any interaction. 

mardi 8 septembre 2009

What is ESPRAT+G?

ESPRAT+G stands for Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Religion, Arts, Technology and Geography. It is used to compare the change in societies from the past to the present. ESPRAT+G helps you breakdown and understand better changes.

Preparing For a Stressful Flu Season

Parents are worrying for their children's health for this winter. Considering the fact that in winter the swine flu passes on so easily. This is because there is more coughing that takes place and therefore this can cause the swine flu to spread on more easily. As a reminder swine flu is caught only by breathing the same air as the one who has it. For this matter, parents are worried to send their children to school. They don't know what to do...


dimanche 6 septembre 2009

Parent Skill Discussion

The parent skills that my parents shared with me concerning work and the family are:
  • Being able to take responsibility
  • Socializing 
  • Open to all discussions
  • Ethical 
  • Respectful
  • Caring
  • Community Minded
  • Organization
  • Communication with others  

samedi 5 septembre 2009

Five main point why a student should BLOG!

The five main points why a student should blog is 
  • To develop social interactions
  • To have and audience
  • To be able to have a voice and express yourself to the world
  • To have pride in your work
  • Creates motivation to do a great job on your work 

mercredi 2 septembre 2009

My GOALS this year

My goals for this year are to be able to understand the American history and to earn good grades. In addition, I would like to keep up with the class and by the end of the year I wish to master the American history.