Questions: What are different reasons why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco?
Using ESPRAT + G, what are possible different groups and what are their reasons?
Who is migrating to morocco and why?
There are various reasons why migration happens from and to Morocco. Some causes can be economical, social, political, religious, architectural, technological, or geographical. As education flourished, migration became more recent. This is because people have knowledge of what is happening around the world, and what will benefit them out there. Another factor that influenced migrations is technology. Technology is demonstrated by the mode of transportation. Long ago there were no airplanes, trains, or boats. This means that there was less migration. On the whole, nowadays people tend to migrate more for several causes.
Different reasons why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco is mostly because of social reasons. Some social reasons why they migrate is because of nationality, communication and education purposes. Nationality because in this situation when they obtain the canadian passport they have a visa facility. They can travel wherever they want without having to make a visa. Communication is another reason why because it helps learn new languages and it also helps with the interaction with other societies. When there is communication people can understand themselves. Therefore, when one will grow up it will be easy for him/her to do business with different societies, or have a job that includes various languages. Education is a part of communication because it includes the learning of languages. It also includes universities. When most of rich moroccans finish school they migrate from Morocco to college.
Different reasons why foreigners migrate to Morocco is economic, religious, and social. Some americans migrate to Morocco because of the world's economic crisis. And considering the fact that Morocco's crisis is ten times lower than America's, Americans living in Morocco than in America during this time. However, Senegalese migrate to Morocco because they benefit from its economy. They are well payed in their jobs and have a better life. In Morocco they find jobs; however in Senegal there is a great number of unemployment. Some saudis migrate to Morocco because of religious reasons. In Saudi Arabia the muslim religion is too harsh. Therefore, some saudis cannot support it. This causes them to migrate to Morocco where the muslim religion is easier to follow. Old french people come to Morocco for social reasons which in this case is retirement. In Morocco they can live on their retirement money better than in France. This is because compared to France life in Morocco is cheap. And because they are retired it is easier for them to spend the rest of their life in Morocco.
Conclusively, using ESPRAT + G it was easier for me to distinguish the different reasons why people migrate away and from Morocco. It helped me think and analyze. I found out that Moroccans mostly migrate for social aspects, and that foreigners migrate to Morocco because of more diverse reasons. This made me curious to know why is this so. Therefore, I will try doing further investigation to discover more about this subject. To sum up, migration to and way of Morocco is very common nowadays because of numerous different aspects of life.
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