jeudi 10 décembre 2009

Congressional Reconstitution

Johnson's Reconstruction Plan:
His plan was to pardon the southerners who swore allegiance to the Union. He allowed each state to hold a constitutional convention. The states were required to recognize the secession as not being valid. Then the states could hold elections and join the Union.

Black Codes:
Black codes were laws that restricted freedman's rights. They established virtual slavery with laws such as these:
  1. Black people had curfews and they could not meet after sunset.
  2. Freedmen with no work could be fined, whipped or sold for a year's labor.
  3. Freedmen had to sign a contract in January for a year of work. Those who quite in the middle of the contract lost the wages they had earned.
  4. Freedmen could only rent land or homes in rural area. Otherwise they were forced to live on plantations, which most of them did.

14th Amendment:

It said that all the people born in the USA are citizens of the USA and of the State where they reside. No state can make or enforce any law which will put down the priviliges of citizens of the USA; nor can any state stop any person from living, liberty, or property, without any process from the law; nor deny to any person within its juridiction the equal protection of laws.

15th Amendment:

It stated that no citizen could be stopped to vote "by the USA or by any State no matter the race, color or previous condition servitude."

Radical Reconstitution:

A small group of Radical Republicans saw themselves as moderates (someone who supports the mainstream views of the party, not the more extreme positions). They disagreed with Johnson's Reconstruction policies, black codes, and favored the expansion of the republican party in the South. They wanted to give African Americans their civil rights, such as voting and equal treatment.


The Northern Republicans who moved to the South after the war were known as the carpetbaggers. The southerners gave them this insulting name which referred to them as a cheap suitcase made of carpet rags. This name meant that the northerners had taken a few clothes put them in a carpet bag and ran to the south to take advantage of the southern misery, so they can prosper.


Southerners had an insulting name for the white southern Republicans as well which was the scalawags. This was a word meaning "scrawny cattle." Some scalawags were passed Whigs who had opposed secession. Some we small farmers who resented the planter class. Still others were former planters. Overall most of the scalawags were poor, but not all.

mardi 8 décembre 2009

Newspaper: Reconstruction of the South

When the freed slaves went back to their homes they weren't expected by their families. Most of their families were hopeless and moved. Therefore, most of them ended up homeless, jobless, and afamished. From these some decided to continue working in their previous slave plantations and others decided to look for their families. There weren't many family reunions, but many joyful reunions did occur.

The South was completely destroyed. Two thirds of its shipping industry was destroyed. Almost all its farming economy was devoured, as well as roads. Factories, ports, and cities lay smoldering. The value of southern farm property had decreased by about 70%. There were countless men and young ones that died. Children became orphans, and brides became widows.

The South had three major groups of people after the war: The black southerners, plantation owners, and poor white southerners. The black southerners were starting their new lives in poor economic situations. The plantation owners lost their slave labor worth $3 billion, and the poor white southerners couldn't find jobs because of the new job competition from freedmen.

Though Lincoln created a reconstruction plan it was useless because he was dead. Now that the Vice President, Andrew Johnson took over he slightly modified the reconstituton plan:
1. It pardoned southerners who swore allegiance to the Union.
2. It permitted each state to hold a constitutional convention (without Lincoln's 10% allegiance requirement).
3. States were required to void secession, abolish slavery, and repudiate the Confederate debt.
He didn't include the pardons to all Confederate leaders but he gave them to those who asked for it personally. In 1865 alone, he pardoned 13,000 southerners.

Freed people wanted the federal government to give them the land that slaves were entitled and cleared for generations. In 1865, Union general William Sherman set up a land distribution experiment in South Carolina. He divided the taken coastal lands into 40 acre plots and distibuted them to the black families. Unfortunately, this didn't last for long because President Johnson eventually returned most of the land to its original owners, forcing the freedmen out.

Nearly 90% of black adults were illliterate because most southern states had banned education to slaves. Now freed slaves really wanted to learn and have education. White teachers went to the south to start schools, thirty African American colleges were made, and some taught themselves and one another.

A Freedmen's Bureau was created to help southerners adjust to freedom, prior to Lincoln's death. Itpovded clothing, medical supplies, and millions of meals to both black and white war refugees. More than 250,000 African Americans recieved their education from bureau schools.


lundi 30 novembre 2009

Effects of War

War keeps people from obtaining food and water:
  • This causes starvation and thirst.
  • Thirst can cause people to drink from dirty places and get sick.
  • This then causes the spread of diseases.
  • Which then causes a high deathrate.
War causes people's families to have to go to battle & they do :
  • This then gets many families to separate from each other and die, which causes many miseries.
  • This can cause the destructed families to start chaos and theft in the country because they have no place to stay or no family to stay with.
  • High death rate/ Decrease of population.
War causes destuction of houses and it is hard to rebuild:
  • This causes people to stay without houses, which can cause them to freeze to death in winter situations.
  • High Death Rate
War causes people to feel unsafe in their homes:
  • This causes people to rebel and start fighting against each other because they have no government to keep them safe.
  • Also this causes people to start a revolution which can cause chaos in the government.

mardi 24 novembre 2009

Ken's Burn Civil War Video (What I learned)

The civil war took place in 10000 places and more than three million people participated in it. Three percent of the population died in it. It made some rich and others poor. Women were second class citizens, and Lincoln became the president. Harriet tuman wanted forbid slavery in Washington, but Southerners asked for a more efficient fugitive slave law. Slaves were maltreated and sometimes executed them when they were found. Therefore Harriet started the Underground Railroad which helped get slaves to the north and free them. The underground railroad was a series of safe houses stations where a slave went to hide and the next day the slave would go other 20 km to reach another safe house until the slave reached the north. It was rare for a slave to arrive to the north they were generally caught and punished.

dimanche 22 novembre 2009

Northern vs. Southern Advantages



  • More than 2 times as much railroad tracks as the South, which made movement of troops, food, and supplies quicker and easier.

  • Twice as many factories as the South, so the union was better able to produce the guns, ammunition, shoes, and other army items.

  • More money in their banks, this lead to a better economy.

  • Already had a functioning government with a small army & navy.

  • 2/3 of the nation's men population lived in the Union states which provided more men in the Union army, while allowing for a sufficent labor force to remain behind for farm and factory work.

  • Most of the nation's military colleges were in the South.

  • Majority of the nation's trained officers were Southerners and sided with the Confederacy.

  • Southern army didn't need to start any military action to win the war. All they needed was to keep a defensive position and avoid getting beaten.


    They felt that they were fighting to preserve their way of life, and they believed, their right to self-government.

mercredi 18 novembre 2009

The Abolists and their Actions

Frederick Douglas

Frederick Douglas was a past slave in Maryland, and fortunately was successful at the escape from slavery. He was a black abolitionist leader in America during the 19th Century, and was a friend to Abraham Lincoln. He presented a case to the American public for freeing slaves in his newspaper called The North Star. He was the first person to give his view liberty for slavery. He fouded the anitsavery pulication Frederick Douglass' Paper. He proposed for the African Americans to fight for the Union Army, and take part in it. He was the first African American to be nominated for Vice-Presidency.

Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in Maryland and successul escaped that suffering environment. After her escape she became a strong fighter for aboltion and women's suffrage. Known for "The Moses of Her People" she worked on helping other slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad.

William Lloyd Garrison

William Llyod Garrison was on of the most infuential abolitionist leaders in America during the years that caused the Civil War. He created an anti-slavery newspaper called "The Liberator," where he argued absolute freedom for the people who were held in slavery. He founded the New Englnd Anti-Slavery Society and the American Anti-Slavery Society. He burned the constitution at an abolitionist meeting.

Events and their Significance to the Civil War

Compromise of the 1850:

The Compromise of 1850 was a plan that was created by Clay of Kentucky. This man created five laws that were passed, two which favored antislaves and two which favored proslaves.

Significance to the civil war:
It is important because one of the bills said that popular sovereignty was allowed and this caused disputes between the north and the south, because the north wanted states to becom antislaves and the south wanted states to become proslaves. Thus, the Compromise of 1850 was one of the components that led to civil war.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an act that was created by Senator Stephan Douglas which called for the formation of two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska. This act stated that popular sovereignty was permitted for the people in these territories. This means they could decide wether they wanted slavery or not. This repeled the Missouri Compromise since it was north of the 36° 30' N and they were contradicting the boundary between slaves &free territories. Douglas knew it would please the Southerners since they would expect N&K to become slave states. And it would please Northerners since they'd think that it would be a slave state because of the Missouri Compomise rule. Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act and this angered the Northern Democrats.

Significance to the civil war:
This was significant to the civil war because it caused one itself. This is because there was conflict between two groups in the same country, the proslaves and the antislaves. Kansas was recognized as a slave state even though most of its population was antislave. Therefore, there was conflict within the country between the people who were for Kansas to be a slave state and the others who weren't.

Presidential Election of 1860

Slavery started to be an overall dilemma in the presidential campaign. Since this problem was still unsolvable a presidential election had to take place and deal with this.
The Democratic Party took place in Charleston, South Carolina in April 1860 to nominate its candidate for president. The party broke into two, the Northern Democrats who were for protection of slavery in territoies, and the Sounthern Democrats who wanted to go by popular sovereignty. Delegates from eight southern states decided to meet seperately and decided to nominate their own candidate. Eventually Southerners chose John C. Breckinridge who was for expansion of slavery in territories, and the Northerners chose Stephen Douglas of Illinois who supported popular soverignty.
The moderate Southerners formed their own new party. They chose John Bell of Tenessee, a moderate slaveholder, as their presidential nominee. While the Repubilcan Party assembled in Chicago and elected Abraham Lincoln as their presidential nominee. Lincoln demonstrated a firm attitude against the spread of slavery with reasonable views on slavery itslef.
In the South it was between Breckinridge and Bell, and in the North it was between Lincoln and Douglas. Lincoln won every free state except for New Jersey which he split with Douglas. Breckinridge won North Carolina, Arkansas, Delaware, Maryland and the states of Lower South. Bell carried Tenesse, Kentucky, and Virginia. Douglas took Missouri.
Lincoln won presidency without getting one electoral vote from the South. While gaining 39% of the popular vote, Lincoln had won the majorty of votes he needed to win (180). His was a important victory, but a sectional one.

Significance to the civil war:
This is significant to the civil war because the Southerners were so angry about Lincoln's Presidential victory without any southern electoral votes. The South decided to leave the Union and the following month the civil war started.

vendredi 13 novembre 2009

Morocco Latest Economic News


Mazagan beach resort is a new 5 star luxury hotel that just opened. It is 250 hectares next to a 7 km beach in El Jadida. It has 500 rooms and suites. It includes a lagoon, a golf course, a swimming pool and the patio, plunging down the sea from the terraces, giving a 180" view over the Atlantic ocean, various restaurants, a spa, a casino & nightclub.

It is a breathtaking resort that will help the Moroccan economy because it will boost up tourism. People will start coming to Morocco and investing. This will help Morocco greatly.

Morocco's tourism will eventually double which will make people talk about Morocco to others telling them how awesome it is and how they really need to come visit. This will influence Morocco's reputation which will lead to a high economy.

Picture Source:

mardi 10 novembre 2009

Situations compromise wouldn't work

Teenager's life:

Compromise wouldnt work if a muslim teenager asks his/her parents if he/she could have sexual relationships. Compromise wouldn't work because in this case it is forbidden by the muslim religion. One cannot negotiate with his/her parents when God is the one who gave these strict and unchangable rules. In this case one should stay a virgin until marriage.

International Political Situation:

In an international situation there would be no compromise for the US citizens to travel wherever they wish with no passports only with their ID card to prove they are US citizens. This is because it is discrimination it demonstrates that US citizens have more rights than any other non- US citizen. It is not fair to the others therefore, this will create chaos and disorder in the countries. There will eventually be a revolution if this happens. This is why there is no negotiation for this to occur.

mercredi 4 novembre 2009

Immigration After University

I would immigrate back to my native country which in this case is Morocco, and I will start working with my father in business.
Using ESPRAT+G I would immigrate to Morocco due to economic, religious, social, and geographical purposes. Economic because I will come here to work with my father on importation and exportation of goods as well as other business aspects. This will help me build up financially. Also, Morocco is not a very expensive country and the Moroccan DH is not high. So, it is more affordable for me.
Religiously because in Morocco there is Islam, and opposed from other Arab countries it is open to any believer. In Morocco Islam is not strict and doesn't need to be followed letter by letter. People are free to believe watever they wish to believe. In addition, muslims are accepted well in Morocco, there is no racism against them considering the fact that it is an Arab country. I also want to be in Morocco to keep my religious and cultural aspects and to pass them down to the upcoming generation.
Socially because my family is here and other Moroccan who I know really well. It is easier for me to interact with them in terms of business and other components. Also, the people here will understand me better because they come from the same country as me and it is easier for them to comprehend my situation.
Geographically because Morocco is located near to the continent of Europe. Therefore, if anything urgent happens and it requires for me to travel to Europe or anything it is close by. The climate here is reasonable it is not very cold in winters and not dying hot in summers. It is a good climate to live in. This means I will not stuggle with dealing with climate problems.

lundi 2 novembre 2009

Moroccan Political Parties

The Moroccan Political Parties consist of the right, left and center.

The Independence Party is the most important party of the right side. This is focolised on the connection between Islam & the throne, it helps keep the Moroccan cultural traits increasing, also they try to help with the economic component between each different social group of Morocco.

The socialist union of people's forces is the most important party in the left side. It has originally formed from the breakaway of the UNFP, a socialist party which has itslef split from the political party.

The Authenticity and Modernity Party is the most important center party. It is reportedly an attempt party by King Mohammed the 6ths allies to create a stong political party to strengthen his power in Morocco.

dimanche 25 octobre 2009

Follow UP Questions

1) Describe the debate over the nature of government. Compare the viewpoints of 

Jefferson vs Hamilton. 

The debate of governmental nature lasted until the 1780, passed George Washington's administration.


Favored a strict construction or interpretation of the Constitution.         

(Government only use the the implied powers of the Constitution when it was urgent.

Had faith in the people than in the government. From his perspective Hamilton was betraying the ideals of the American Revolution.


Preferred a Loose Constitution.

(Government could use the implied power of Constitution as long as they were not expressly prohibited by the Constitution).

Had little faith in his people, and was supporter of strong national power.

2) What is a political party? 

" A political party is a group of people who seek to win elections and hold public office in order to control government policy and programs" (91)

In other words, is a group of people who have the same ideas about how a country should work. It tries to obtain and keep political power within the government. 

3) Describe John Adams presidency. What were some of the difficulties he faced? 

John Adams faced "the difficult task of trying to govern a young country in which party differenced were growing wider and wider " (91). He also faced the threat of war with France because the French were angry about Jay's Treaty with the British and started taking American ships in French harbor. Adams sent secret agents to negotiate with the revolutionary government. 

When they arrived to Paris the American officials were met by the secret agents (X, Y, Z).

 The french agents asked for a bribe of $250,000 and and loan of $10 million before they could see the French foreign minister. The Americans neglected this and returned back home as soon as possible. "Million for defense, but not one cent for tribute" was a slogan, spread around the USA by 1798. Then an undeclared war started where both sides were firing and taking each other's ships. 
The Federalists took advantage of this to push important  new measures through Congress. (increasing the size of the army).
-Sedition Act: against the law to criticize government officials.

4) Outline the key events of Jefferson's presidency.
- Jefferson knew that his administration would not succeed unless Americans were willing to oppose peacefully. 
- His goal was to decrease the influence of national government in the lives of American people. Therefore, he reduced taxes, federal bureaucracy, and army size.
- He was not willing to undo all the acts of the Federalists: He let the Bank of the USA continue its job. 
- He rejected the development of strong central government.
- Even though he hated what they were doing, he didn't use force to fight the British.

mercredi 21 octobre 2009

Thomas Jefferson

dimanche 4 octobre 2009

Constitutions and Bill of Rights

My top five choices are:
1. The right to petition government against abuse. 
If the government is taking abusive, and improper decisions. The citizens should have the right to oppose to this.
2. Right of trial by jury and other proper legal procedures.
This relates to justice. Everyone should be treated equally and should have the right to get a trial by the jury with proper judgments and procedures.
3. Freedom from unreasonable search of their homes. 
People need to have their own privacy. It is part of injustice to search homes every time for no reason.  
4. Freedom from the burden of standing armies.
The citizens need to have their natural freedom to go out and to be free. They don't need to stay imprisoned and watched by standing armies. They should have a daily normal life without any burden of standing armies that stop them from doing daily routines.
5. Freedom of the press.
People should be allowed to print newspapers, books, magazines etc. This is because if it is not allowed then there will be illiteracy in the country. People should have a minimum of knowledge of the news around the world and of science.  

How colonists were able to defeat the greatest world power of their time?

After the expenses of the Seven Years War, Britain needed to raise profits, and thought that the colonists didn’t help enough with the war. Therefore they decided that the colonists should pay for the war costs.  The colonists disliked these taxes and argued the fact they could be taxed by Britain but had no representation in the government. In other words, they refuses taxation of the Parliament.

After Britain's King refused to take seriously colonial objections raised at the first Continental Congress, some colonists took up arms. Leaders of a new pro-independence movement were influenced by Enlightenment ideals and hoped to bring an ideal nation into existence. In the year 1776, the colonies declared independence with the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence. George Washington led the new Continental Army against the British forces, who had many successes early in this American Revolution. After years of fighting, the colonists formed an alliance with France and defeated the British Yorktown, Virginia 1781. The treaty ending the war granted independence to the colonies, which became The United States of America.


How colonists were able to defeat the greatest world power of their time?

  The colonists were able to defeat the greatest world power of their time by revolution. The stood against several laws. They stood against the stamp act, saying that they owned Englishmen rights. They opposed to taxation of Parliament, and indicated colonial boycott of British goods. In the first continental congress they started forming and training militias and storing military supplies. This is what lead to the revolutionary war which the colonists won. 

mercredi 30 septembre 2009

Vocabulary Terms Ranking

Natural Rights: rights, freedoms and privileges, which are such a basic part of human nature that they cannot be taken away.

Popular Sovereignty: a doctrine in political theory that government is created by and subject to the will of the people

Social Contract: an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, for example by sacrificing some individual freedom for state protection.

Right of Self Determination: the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government.

Right to Revolution: a right or duty, variously stated throughout history, possessed by subjects of a state that justifies their action to overthrow the government to whom the subjects otherwise would owe allegiance.

My Ranking: I ranked these Vocabulary terms from Natural Rights, Popular Sovereignty, Social Contract, Right of Self Determination, Right to Revolution. I chose this order because people should have the right to do all daily things, then they should be able to agree with the government decision to their will, then members of society should sacrifice some of their freedom for social benefits, then the country can form its own government without involving other societies, and finally if there is still disagreement there is the right of revolution.

mardi 22 septembre 2009

Migration from and to Morocco

Questions: What are different reasons why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco?

Using ESPRAT + G, what are possible different groups and what are their reasons?

Who is migrating to morocco and why?

There are various reasons why migration happens from and to Morocco. Some causes can be economical, social, political, religious, architectural, technological, or geographical. As education flourished, migration became more recent. This is because people have knowledge of what is happening around the world, and what will benefit them out there. Another factor that influenced migrations is technology. Technology is demonstrated by the mode of transportation. Long ago there were no airplanes, trains, or boats. This means that there was less migration. On the whole, nowadays people tend to migrate more for several causes.

Different reasons why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco is mostly because of social reasons. Some social reasons why they migrate is because of nationality, communication and education purposes. Nationality because in this situation when they obtain the canadian passport they have a visa facility. They can travel wherever they want without having to make a visa. Communication is another reason why because it helps learn new languages and it also helps with the interaction with other societies. When there is communication people can understand themselves. Therefore, when one will grow up it will be easy for him/her to do business with different societies, or have a job that includes various languages. Education is a part of communication because it includes the learning of languages. It also includes universities. When most of rich moroccans finish school they migrate from Morocco to college. 

Different reasons why foreigners migrate to Morocco is economic, religious, and social. Some americans migrate to Morocco because of the world's economic crisis. And considering the fact that Morocco's crisis is ten times lower than America's, Americans living in Morocco than in America during this time. However, Senegalese migrate to Morocco because they benefit from its economy. They are well payed in their jobs and have a better life. In Morocco they find jobs; however in Senegal there is a great number of unemployment. Some saudis migrate to Morocco because of religious reasons. In Saudi Arabia the muslim religion is too harsh. Therefore, some saudis cannot support it. This causes them to migrate to Morocco where the muslim religion is easier to follow. Old french people come to Morocco for social reasons which in this case is retirement. In Morocco they can live on their retirement money better than in France. This is because compared to France life in Morocco is cheap. And because they are retired it is easier for them to spend the rest of their life in Morocco.

Conclusively, using ESPRAT + G it was easier for me to distinguish the different reasons why people migrate away and from Morocco. It helped me think and analyze. I found out that Moroccans mostly migrate for social aspects, and that foreigners migrate to Morocco because of more diverse reasons. This made me curious to know why is this so. Therefore, I will try doing further investigation to discover more about this subject. To sum up, migration to and way of Morocco is very common nowadays because of numerous different aspects of life.   

mercredi 16 septembre 2009


My podcast is a comedy and it is mostly comedy singing. Some african americans are imitating other people and how they sing. They also imitate singers. They make jokes about the way they sing and they talk. My podcasts name is called Anthony Anderson's Mixtape Comedy Show.

lundi 14 septembre 2009

The Effects of Colonization in Morocco

The effects of colonization in Morocco is seen in practically in the all the cities in the north. We can see this because half of the people who live in the north speak spanish. They have spanish habitudes. Also, the way of eating is different. The Moroccans started to eat like European people. This is because a long time ago they used to eat with their hands, but now they became more civilized and started to follow European manners. Some still eat couscous with their hands but most of the Moroccan eat it with a spoon. We can also see that the building became more modern. People started using sophisticated ways of building. Even though some people still follow traditional architecture the buildings are solid. People in Morocco are not ignorant anymore, most of them can read and write. The spanish colonization affected Morocco positively.

vendredi 11 septembre 2009

Why study history?

We study history because it helps us anticipate the problems that we may have in the future according to the problems that happened in the pass. With this we can solve problems way easier than we would have solved them without the history behind us. 
We also study history because it helps us interact with people and society. Already knowing people's background and their past helps us communicate better with them. We know better what they appreciate and what they don't. Therefore, we can interact better with them and their society all thanks to history.
We know better how our society came to be and how it developed. We are no longer ignorant about our culture and development. This helps us pass down our background to our children when they ask us to and to outsiders. Without a background other societies wouldn't know who they are dealing with; therefore there wouldn't be any interaction. 

mardi 8 septembre 2009

What is ESPRAT+G?

ESPRAT+G stands for Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Religion, Arts, Technology and Geography. It is used to compare the change in societies from the past to the present. ESPRAT+G helps you breakdown and understand better changes.

Preparing For a Stressful Flu Season

Parents are worrying for their children's health for this winter. Considering the fact that in winter the swine flu passes on so easily. This is because there is more coughing that takes place and therefore this can cause the swine flu to spread on more easily. As a reminder swine flu is caught only by breathing the same air as the one who has it. For this matter, parents are worried to send their children to school. They don't know what to do...


dimanche 6 septembre 2009

Parent Skill Discussion

The parent skills that my parents shared with me concerning work and the family are:
  • Being able to take responsibility
  • Socializing 
  • Open to all discussions
  • Ethical 
  • Respectful
  • Caring
  • Community Minded
  • Organization
  • Communication with others  

samedi 5 septembre 2009

Five main point why a student should BLOG!

The five main points why a student should blog is 
  • To develop social interactions
  • To have and audience
  • To be able to have a voice and express yourself to the world
  • To have pride in your work
  • Creates motivation to do a great job on your work 

mercredi 2 septembre 2009

My GOALS this year

My goals for this year are to be able to understand the American history and to earn good grades. In addition, I would like to keep up with the class and by the end of the year I wish to master the American history.