Compromise of the 1850:What?:The Compromise of 1850 was a plan that was created by Clay of Kentucky. This man created five laws that were passed, two which favored antislaves and two which favored proslaves.
Significance to the civil war:It is important because one of the bills said that popular sovereignty was allowed and this caused disputes between the north and the south, because the north wanted states to becom antislaves and the south wanted states to become proslaves. Thus, the Compromise of 1850 was one of the components that led to civil war.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
What?: The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an act that was created by Senator Stephan Douglas which called for the formation of two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska. This act stated that popular sovereignty was permitted for the people in these territories. This means they could decide wether they wanted slavery or not. This repeled the Missouri Compromise since it was north of
the 36
° 30' N and they were contradicting the boundary between slaves &free territories. Douglas knew it would please the Southerners since they would expect N&K to become slave states. And it would please Northerners since they'd think that it would be a slave state because of the Missouri Compomise rule. Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act and this angered the Northern Democrats.
Significance to the civil war: This was significant to the civil war because it caused one itself. This is because there was conflict between two groups in the same country, the proslaves and the antislaves. Kansas was recognized as a slave state even though most of its population was antislave. Therefore, there was conflict within the country between the people who were for Kansas to be a slave state and the others who weren't.
Presidential Election of 1860What?: Slavery started to be an overall dilemma in the presidential campaign. Since this problem was still unsolvable a presidential election had to take place and deal with this.
The Democratic Party took place in Charleston, South Carolina in April 1860 to nominate its candidate for president. The party broke into two, the Northern Democrats who were for protection of slavery in territoies, and the Sounthern Democrats who wanted to go by popular sovereignty. Delegates from eight southern states decided to meet seperately and decided to nominate their own candidate. Eventually Southerners chose John C. Breckinridge who was for expansion of slavery in territories, and the Northerners chose Stephen Douglas of Illinois who supported popular soverignty.
The moderate Southerners formed their own new party. They chose John Bell of Tenessee, a moderate slaveholder, as their presidential nominee. While the Repubilcan Party assembled in Chicago and elected Abraham Lincoln as their presidential nominee. Lincoln demonstrated a firm attitude against the spread of slavery with reasonable views on slavery itslef.
In the South it was between Breckinridge and Bell, and in the North it was between Lincoln and Douglas. Lincoln won every free state except for New Jersey which he split with Douglas. Breckinridge won North Carolina, Arkansas, Delaware, Maryland and the states of Lower South. Bell carried Tenesse, Kentucky, and Virginia. Douglas took Missouri.
Lincoln won presidency without getting one electoral vote from the South. While gaining 39% of the popular vote, Lincoln had won the majorty of votes he needed to win (180). His was a important victory, but a sectional one.
Significance to the civil war: This is significant to the civil war because the Southerners were so angry about Lincoln's Presidential victory without any southern electoral votes. The South decided to leave the Union and the following month the civil war started.